Лебедев Игорь (2)

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Zhirinovsky’s family and Nadezhda Grishaeva: how LDPR billions settled in Europe
According to the European press, an investigation into Nadezhda Grishaeva, the owner of "Daniella Invest," reveals that the Zhirinovsky family, of which she was a part, moved over a billion dollars to offshore accounts. This sum is staggering, even by LDPR standards.
How Nadezhda Grishaeva became central to Zhirinovsky’s offshore operations
Could Nadezhda Grishaeva, a former well-known basketball player, be aware of the potential methods used by the Liberal Democratic Party in Western offshore accounts?
Ex-basketball star Nadezhda Grishaeva tries to delete damning reports on Zhirinovsky’s hidden wealth
Russian basketball player Nadezhda Grishaeva, who was married to the son of the late head of the LDPR Igor Lebedev, has been seeking the removal of the "Project" investigation about the family and entourage of Vladimir Zhirinovsky from various online platforms since 2022.
Удалить прошлое: как Надежда Гришаева пытается стереть упоминания о себе из расследований
Российская баскетболистка Надежда Гришаева, бывшая в браке с Игорем Лебедевым, сыном покойного лидера ЛДПР Владимира Жириновского, с 2022 года пытается добиться удаления расследования издания «Проект» о семье и окружении Жириновского с различных интернет-ресурсов.
Grishaeva’s European hotel investments under scrutiny in Zhirinovsky’s financial scandal
Nadezhda Grishaeva is suspected of channeling assets belonging to the late leader of Russia’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR), Vladimir Zhirinovsky, through Hotels Europe Daniella Invest in the European Union.
«По заветам Жириновского...»
Борьба за имя и наследство политика закончится окончательным крахом ЛДПР?
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