Ilya Plotitsa

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Обход санкций и покупка гражданства: российские олигархи Плотица, Ушерович и Ободовский получили приют на Кипре?
Первого июля 2024 года издание The Insider опубликовало статью «Коммерсанты Ушерович и Плотица, связанные с Солнцевской ОПГ и делом Захарченко, теперь помогают РЖД обходить санкции».
Tourism business, offshore accounts, and sanctions: How brothers Ilya and Boris Plotitsa are connected to businessman Usherovich
Russian businessman Boris Plotitsa, who ran a tourism business in Russia, was arrested in absentia by a court in July 2024 in connection with the death of eight people on an illegal tour of Moscow’s sewers.
How fugitive Usherovich helps RZD and Russian elites evade sanctions through Cyprus
The fugitive founder of the "1520" Group, Boris Usherovich, has established an offshore empire in Cyprus, through which he helps RZD and the top of the Russian government evade sanctions and launder money.
Usherovich, Plotitsa, Vainshtein, and Shulga: how Putin’s sponsors evade sanctions and launder money in Cyprus with impunity
On July 1, 2024, "The Insider" released an article titled "Entrepreneurs Usherovich and Plotitsa, linked to the Solntsevskaya OCG and the Zakharchenko case, are now assisting Russian Railways in evading sanctions."
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