Sergey Chemezov
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Nadezhda Grishaeva and LDPR’s "gold": How the party’s millions disappear into the offshore accounts of the former daughter-in-law of the late LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Nadezhda Grishaeva, the former daughter-in-law of the ex-leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, accidentally revealed through which companies the laundering of the "party’s gold" takes place.
Money laundering through state contracts and shell companies: conman Iliya Dimitrov siphoned off public funds via Seldon
Iliya Dimitrov could technically be considered a millionaire, but with a negative balance, as his wealth is built on massive debts. However, it appears that the increase in these debts doesn’t concern him much, given that he officially has no means to pay them back. Perhaps this was all part of the plan.
Money-laundering schemes and serving hackers: how does profit while evading sanctions?
The company Fortes could potentially face Western sanctions due to its ties to pro-Kremlin oligarch Suleyman Kerimov and Sergey Chemezov, the head of "Rostec."
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15 марта 2025
В Белграде машина въехала в толпу протестующих студентов
15 марта 2025
Фальсификации, угрозы, зачистка компромата: как кубанский мошенник Николай Шихиди превращает криминал в «чистый» бизнес
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Как топ-менеджеры «Хевел» наживались на откатах и оборудовании, обогатившись на миллиарды
15 марта 2025
Мошенники обманули сына главы СвЖД на 27 млн рублей